Occasionally I share here stories about my gender transition. A few days ago it was one about my observations on the value and joy of living authentically and not fearing to break with convention.

Well, what do you know? Today the constitutional court in my country ruled that that only biological sex exists and that there exists no reason for anyone to be granted legal changes in their civic status with regards to sex and gender identity. The exception being intersex people, and only those with chromosomal intersex conditions that lead to ambiguous secondary sex characteristics, so not even the majority of intersex people. That's rich, on the international day of intersex visibility, too.

But I'm crushed. I already knew that my chances to legally transition in my country were slim, but I still hoped that some years down the line I could do that. I'm almost 40. I've known I was trans for a good 30 years of those 40. When I was around 20 I wanted to start medical transitions but got cold feet, so I voluntarily walked back straight into the closet and tried my damnedest to make it as a woman. It was only this year when I decided that enough is enough and I'll live as I was meant to. I was/am happy with my decision. Today was a rude reminder why I went back into the closet. Tonight I have a lot of anger, disappointment and sadness to process, as apparently I don't exist.

Reposted from marbear